Prayers of the people: Family communion

19 January 2024

In this week’s intercessionary prayers for parishes, we pray for young adults. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, 28 January 2024.

Paul devotes all of chapter seven in 1 Corinthians to issues of sexuality, marriage and virginity.
Much is conditioned by his expectation of the end times. A different perspective from today’s reading is found in this fragment from Pope Francis’ 2016 exhortation On Love in the Family.

‘A positive experience of family communion is a true path to daily sanctification and mystical growth, a means for deeper union with God. The fraternal and communal demands of family life are an incentive to growth in openness of heart and thus to an ever-fuller encounter with the Lord. . . Hence, those who have deep spiritual aspirations should not feel that the family detracts from their growth in the life of the Spirit. . .’ (#316)

We pray for young adults searching for values and beliefs to live by, that they will find their way to authentic teachers of the way of Christ.

These intercessions are offered for selected use at Sunday Mass in the parish alongside those that express local needs and concerns.

Dear friends, inspired by the power and truth of Jesus’ teaching, let us pray with confidence for all our sisters and brothers in need.

We pray for all who have been designated as teachers of faith, that they will be credible witnesses to the good news announced by Jesus. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.

We pray for all who speak out about difficult truths, that their prophetic testimony will call us to lives of peace, mercy and care for the earth. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.

We pray for leaders choosing to wage war on neighbouring nations, that they will be delivered from the demonic spirits driving them to ruthless bloodshed. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.

We pray for faith communities around the world, that this year’s Interfaith Harmony Week will draw them together for the wellbeing of the whole human family. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.

We pray for the women of Afghanistan and every nation which deprives them of freedom and education, that they will stay strong and united in claiming their human rights. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.

We pray for all partners in marriage and committed relationships, that the faithful love they share will deepen, not lessen, their desire to live the gospel to the full. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.

We pray for those who sign for the deaf community or translate for those not versed in the dominant language, that their service of others will break down barriers and foster an inclusive society. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.

We pray for children, parents and teachers, that they will enjoy a smooth and happy start to the new school year. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.

We pray for those who have died recently . . . and for those whose anniversary of death occurs around this time, that they will be led through the darkness of death to the light of eternal glory. (Pause) Let us pray to the Lord.

Holy God, you never cease to bless us with the light of Christ. Help to walk always as children of the light. We ask this through Christ, our Lord.