AC+ resources for spirituality retreats and formation days

24 January 2023

For our AC+ subscribers: These resources can help students explore some of the different strands of spirituality in the Catholic faith, and consider some of the people whose wisdom might guide them on their own spiritual journey.

For our AC+ subscribers: These resources can help students explore some of the different strands of spirituality in the Catholic faith, and consider some of the people whose wisdom might guide them on their own spiritual journey.

1. Retreat/formation day session: Finding my spiritual guide

Intro: A session might start with the students undertaking the 'Find your spiritual guide' quiz, with a leader reading out each question and the students moving to a particular corner of the room that corresponds to their answer. At the end, the students are asked to gather in the corner that they spent the most time in. 

Input for reflection: A leader might talk about a particular saint who inspired their journey. Each corner could have some wisdom stories from that particular charism for students to select to read (see below for some resources - or schools might share stories of their house leaders). Students then have some personal reflection time using the article considering what resonates most with them.

Small group discussion: Students might gather in groups and share 1) what resonated with them about the wisdom figure's story, and 2) their idea of what it means to live a holy life. 

Prayer: You could finish the session using one of the prayer resources below.

Alternatively, an RE or formation leader might ask students to develop their own retreat or formation day based on one of the strands outlined in these resources - choosing prayers and creating reflection sessions inspired by that mode of spirituality. 

Fun activity: In groups of five, students could use the 'Quarantine with the saints' article to put together their own quarantine household of saints (the teacher will need to have bios available for the students to read as they choose their household). They could then plan and perform a skit showing what life under quarantine might be like for these particular saints.  

Quiz: Find your spiritual guide

Reflection article: Strands of spirituality in the Catholic Church
Wisdom stories - Mystic/Desert strand: A history of mysticism in Catholicism
Wisdom stories - Mystic/Desert strand: St Simeon Stylites the Elder
Wisdom stories - Mystic/Benedictine strand: Thomas Merton
Wisdom stories - Mystic/Benedictine strand: Mother Hilda Scott
Wisdom stories - Mendicant/Carmelite strand: St Teresa of Avila and St Therese of Liseaux
Wisdom stories - Mendicant/Franciscan strand: St Francis of Assisi
Wisdom stories - Mendicant/Franciscan strand: John Bradburne
Wisdom stories - Mendicant/Dominican strand: St Catherine of Siena
Wisdom stories - Ignatian strand: St Ignatius of Loyola
More activities and reflection questions

Fun activity: Quarantine with the saints

Contemplative prayer resource
Gospel contemplation prayer resource
Ignatian prayer resource
Group prayer resource


2. Retreat/formation day session: My wisdom figures

Intro: In four groups, get the students to put together eight cards with 'two truths and a lie' as outlined in the 'Wisdom of the prophets' activity. Each group then reads out their cards to the other groups, and those groups get a point for every one they guess correctly.

Input for reflection: A leader might share something about a person in their life who is a mentor and wisdom figure to them. It might be a family member, or someone else who has had a big impact on them (e.g. a sporting coach). Students might be given a section from one the reflective articles below as something to read as they enter into a reflection time. 

Small group discussion: One by one, students each talk about someone in their life who has been an influence on them. Once all of the students have had a chance to share, group members might reflect back on something they heard from another member of the group that really resonated with them. 

Concluding reflection: Back in the main group, introduce the story behind the song 'Watching the wheels' (see the article below) and then ask the students to listen and reflect on the people who have watched them grow into wisdom.

Alternatively, the session might lead into a broader liturgy around important people in our community using the 'Superheroes, heroes and saints' liturgy resource below.

Fun activity: Wisdom of the prophets

Reflective article: Bluey's magical and sacred family home (for lower secondary students)
Reflective article: What can one person do?
Reflective article: A tree of healing (for upper secondary students)
Reflective article: The world will say you are silly

Sneaky Jesus song: Watching the wheels

Liturgy resource: Superheroes, heroes and saints




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