An Australian pioneer - questions and activities

Rebecca Lerve 29 July 2021

Read An Australian Pioneer: St Mary of the Cross MacKillop followed her own way – God’s way and take part in the following questions and activities.


  1. What was St Mary Mackillop seeking to do that was called ‘revolutionary’?
  2. Why did Father Julian Tenison-Woods disown St Mary Mackillop? What virtue was Mary choosing over total poverty?
  3. What does the phrase ‘possession was not compromise’ mean when St Mary Mackillop had intended to live in poverty?
  4. What is ‘perseverance’ and how does it build character?
  5. Why do you think it matters that Sir Henry Parkes affirmed the power of St Mary Mackillop’s life work?


Research: Part of St Mary Mackillop’s vision was for Australia to unify across the continent. This unity first became a reality through the religious order she founded (the Sisters of Saint Joseph) and later for all of Australia, labelling her as ‘ahead of the game.’ The states and territories that we live in today are unified as the nation of Australia, officially known as the Commonwealth of Australia. Research when Australia became a nation, and the benefits of Australia unifying to become a nation. Do these benefits give some insight into why St Mary Mackillop saw the need for a ‘single guiding hand across the continent?’

Building Saints: ‘…suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character; and character, hope’ (Romans 5: 3 – 4).’ Using this Bible verse as inspiration, draw a comic strip or write short story of an event that demonstrates how suffering produces perseverance in our lives. It can be from St. Mary Mackillop’s life, from your own life, the life of someone you admire, or from your imagination.

Pioneer life: Put yourself in the shoes of a young Josephite sister, tasked by Mary MacKillop to establish a new school in a remote community in 19th century Australia. What are some of the challenges you might face? How would you overcome those challenges? You can: a) Write an essay or put together a podcast exploring the life of an early Josephite teacher; b) Write an imaginative story from the perspective of the Josephite or one of their students; c) Write an outline (or film an episode) for a Reality TV show 'Outback school' where participants have to experience some of the challenges for themselves. 

Ask for Intercession: Sometimes we face hard times in our lives, times when we need more perseverance than usual. St Mary Mackillop understands what it means to persevere and keep walking ‘God’s Way.’ Next time you need strength to persevere, remember you can pray to God that He will keep you walking His way, and you can ask St Mary Mackillop to pray for you too.


Praying with St Mary Mackillop: St Mary Mackillop is an Australian saint who was given a special grace from God to persevere even when life was really hard. This means that she didn’t give up on doing the right thing, even if there were obstacles in the way or it was something she struggled to do. We can ask St. Mary Mackillop to pray for us to have the grace to persevere when we are struggling too.

At the top of a big piece of cardboard or paper, write, 'St Mary Mackillop, pray for us for the grace to persevere when we struggle with…'

Brainstorm different times in the student’s lives when they can ask for St. Mary Mackillop’s help. You can offer some examples such as when they have a lot of homework to do, or when they are learning a new skill like riding a bike or playing the piano. After each example, read the prayer out in full. For example you can say, 'St Mary Mackillop pray for us for the grace to persevere when we struggle with finishing our homework'.  Write the student’s answers on the cardboard and stick it somewhere the students will be able to see and can easily refer to.



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