Catholic Teacher: Faith formation resources for Term Four 2021

Michael McVeigh 6 October 2021

Here’s what we have in store for you in Catholic Teacher this term.


In Term Four we finish our look at 'Faith in the future' from the spring 2021 edition and explore articles about love and relationships from the summer 2021/22 issue.

Here’s what we have in store for you in Catholic Teacher in Term Four.

7 October – Dreaming of the future Church
As the Plenary Council gathers to consider the future of the Catholic Church in Australia, we invite students to consider what they think the Holy Spirit is asking of the Church, and dream creatively about what a futuristic faith might look like.

14 October - Justice at the intersection
What is ‘intersectionality’ and how does it shape our way of understanding and responding to injustice? We invite students to consider some of the complexities around campaigning for social justice.

21 October – Healthy relationships
What are some of the difficulties that young people encounter in romantic relationships? Three young writers impart some of their experiences, and we encourage students to reflect on what lessons they can draw from their stories.

28 October – Friendship

We explore how our understanding and appreciation of friendship changes and grows as we get older, and get students to consider what makes a good friendship.

4 November – Love and relationships in religious life
Intimacy isn’t just limited to marriage – Catholic who commit themselves to a life of chastity, including people in religious life, are called to love as well. We explore two examples of how relationships are lived out in religious life.

11 November – Mary and Joseph Pt 1 – Love and marriage
We feature a creative retelling of the relationship between Mary and Joseph, and encourage students to reflect on what they can learn from them about love and marriage.

18 November – Mary and Joseph Pt 2 – Family life
We reflect on some of the main events in the life of the Holy Family, and what lessons are in them for our own family relationships.

25 November – A holiday with God
A look at how one might go about deepening an important, but often overlooked relationship in their life – a person’s relationship with God. How might someone go about deepening their relationship with God during the Advent and Christmas holiday seasons?

2 December – Christmas
Sharing some ideas for celebrating Christmas and reflecting on the Christmas story in schools.

9 December 
Merry Christmas and Happy 2022.

AC+ Resource Guides

13 October – Religious vocation and the Sacrament of Holy Orders  

27 October – Love and healthy relationships 

10 November – Advent and Christmas 

17 November – End of year fun and games 

1 December – First week of school fun and games 

15 December – Holiday reading and viewing 



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