Employment opportunity - Connecting with schools

Staff 5 March 2024

Australian Catholics is hiring! We are looking for a sales officer to engage schools and parishes.

Australian Catholics is looking for someone to work with our Relationships Manager to help us promote our Education Hub to Catholic schools. The successful applicant will become part of the well-functioning and dynamic team at Jesuit Communications, where we work together to create and connect with communities, by starting and nurturing deeper conversations about faith and justice, to build a better world.

The Sales Officer will be responsible for helping us create connections with Catholic school RE leaders and share with them how the Australian Catholics Education Hub can support them in their mission and work.  

The sales and subscriber relationships position is casual, and could be done from home during school hours. Ideally, the person would have some knowledge of Catholic schools, and RE and faith formation, although this is not essential. 

If you or someone you know is interested in this opportunity, please send a resume to [email protected].

Find the position/role description here


Would you like trial access to explore the platform?

It is free and can be for as many staff members as you wish.

Get in touch via [email protected] and we can set this up for you.


Would you like a tour of the site for you and your RE team?

We can connect via your preferred platform (Zoom, Teams, Google meet etc).
It is free and takes 15mins.

Get in touch via [email protected] and we can book one in for you.