Prayers of the people: A glorious mission

3 December 2020

This week we pray for the young people of the world. Third Sunday of Advent Year B, 13 December 2020.


Isaiah is not only the longest of the Bible’s prophetic books but is also the most quoted in the gospels and the most used in the lectionary, especially during Advent and Christmas.

Today’s text depicting the prophet as one anointed by God’s spirit to announce good news, heal broken hearts, bring liberty and declare God’s favour is full of appeal.

In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus identifies himself in these terms before his townsfolk in Nazareth, only to be angrily rejected by them. That’s the risk all Christians face when they take up their messianic mission. But it’s a glorious mission, one for which they have been anointed and one which the world needs more than ever.


For the young people of the world, that they inspire each other to live with hope, courage and joy.


These intercessions are offered for selected use at Sunday Mass in the parish alongside those that express local needs and concerns.


Dear friends, as we wait for the light of Christ to dawn in our darkness, let us place our hopes into God’s loving care.


  1. For Pope Francis and all religious leaders, that in the spirit of the Lord they bear joyful witness to God’s boundless mercy. (Pause for silent prayer) Let us pray to the Lord.
  2. For all who wield political, economic or cultural power, that they exercise their influence with integrity and use it to serve the common good. (Pause for silent prayer) Let us pray to the Lord.
  3. For the member states of the United Nations, that this year’s International Migrants Day will spur their efforts to ease the global migration crisis. (Pause for silent prayer) Let us pray to the Lord.
  4. For the world-wide Jewish community, that the celebration of Hannukah, Festival of Light, will strengthen their faith in God’s covenant love. (Pause for silent prayer) Let us pray to the Lord.
  5. For governments at every level in Australia and for all peak bodies in industry and commerce, that the onset of summer will hasten effective action on climate change. (Pause for silent prayer) Let us pray to the Lord.
  6. For the people of Australia, that the commissions of enquiry into aged care, the disabled, bushfire management and war crimes will make the nation safer and healthier. (Pause for silent prayer) Let us pray to the Lord.
  7. For children caught up in bitter divorce disputes, that their needs for security, support and loving care will be given the priority they deserve. (Pause for silent prayer) Let us pray to the Lord.
  8. For all who have struggled with the challenges of this difficult year, that the season of Advent will renew their hope for better times. (Pause for silent prayer) Let us pray to the Lord.
  9. For the recently deceased . . . and for those whose anniversary of death occurs around this time, that they will exult for ever in the goodness of God. (Pause for silent prayer) Let us pray to the Lord.


God of faithful promise, you raised up John the Baptist to herald the coming of your Son. Send us out as joyful agents of your love. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


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