Fr Brendan Byrne SJ

Homily notes: 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

17 August 2024

Joshua’s challenge and the Israelites’ unqualified commitment, “We also will serve the Lord,” makes its claim upon God’s people today, just as it did of old. 


Homily notes: Fifth Sunday of Easter Year B

18 April 2024

Today's Gospel alludes to the need for believers to maintain the closest possible union with Christ. Homily notes for the Fifth Sunday of Easter Year B.


Homily notes: Third Sunday of Lent Year B

25 February 2024

In resurrection Jesus will ‘raise up’ the new sanctuary of his risen body where his disciples and all subsequent believers will truly ‘dwell’ with God and God with them.


Homily notes: 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

29 October 2023

The pattern of leadership has been set forever by the Servant One who came 'not to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many'. Homily notes for 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A.


Homily notes: No one knows the Son except the Father

29 June 2023

In the second part of the Gospel, Jesus issues an invitation: 'Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened and I will give you rest.' This invitation takes us to Matthew’s characteristic presentation of Jesus as the One who bears and lifts humanity’s burdens.


Homily notes: Sixth Sunday of Easter

6 May 2023

The essential idea behind ‘Paraclete’ is that of someone who stands beside you in time of difficulty, providing a comforting, supportive and encouraging presence. Homily notes for the Sixth Sunday of Easter (Year A), 14 May 2023.


Christ the King Year C

10 November 2022 EH

The readings do not shrink from bringing out the paradox involved in claiming the Crucified One as “King”.


Homily notes: 4th Sunday of Easter Year C

30 April 2022 EH

Those most vulnerable are those whose shepherds are not strong but the Christian community need have no fear in this regard. Their Shepherd is strong with the strength of God.


Homily notes: Easter Sunday, Year C

8 April 2022 EH

The ‘disciple whom Jesus loved’, who enters the empty tomb of Jesus and believes, is the representative for all of us – believers of subsequent generations.


Homily notes: 2nd Sunday of Easter Year C

8 April 2022 EH

As the Father sent Jesus into the world so he now sends the disciples, to be in their turn and through their mutual love for one another, the embodiment of that same divine love.


Homily notes: Third Sunday of Lent Year C

11 March 2022 EH

The essential task of a prophet in the biblical tradition is to summon people to conversion.


Homily notes: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

30 January 2022 EH

It is when Jesus challenges Peter in his own expertise – catching fish ­– that Peter becomes aware of the presence and power of God. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, 6 February 2022


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