Michele Gierck

Michele is a freelance writer and author of a number of books including Fraying: Mum, memory loss the medical maze and me.

Life in limbo

19 May 2021

When we take away asylum seekers’ ability to work in the community, we not only leave them unable to support themselves – we also deprive them of a dignified life.


Leaving a mark

2 November 2020 EH

Palms Australia places skilled Australians in voluntary placements around the world. But these experiences are about more than providing help – they’re about being invited into communities, building relationships, and being changed by the experience. 


The beloved Amazon

18 May 2020 EH

Australian Divine Word Missionary Priest Fr Manh Le spent five years ministering to remote communities in the Amazon region. In the wake of the Pope’s latest exhortation, Querida Amazonia, we spoke to him about what he learned among the peoples of the region.  


Marking out your space

12 February 2020 EH

Steve Lawrence has gone from playing in AFL premiership teams, to helping organise World Youth Day 2008, to running leadership workshops across Australia. He shares some of his insights into what it takes to be a leader.   


Making peace with nature

6 February 2019 EH

Having witnessed environmental degradation and its impact on poor communities first-hand, Finbarr Horgan says it’s up to all of us to do more to protect our environment. The challenge for each of us is to figure out how best to play our part – how to mend our broken relationship and reconcile with creation.


Four days in the elements

10 November 2018 EH

Following a group of students from St Ignatius College, Geelong, as they grow more in tune with each other and the environment as part of their Outdoor and Environmental Studies subject.

Romero illustration

Monsignor Romero: The voice of the voiceless

6 February 2018 EH

The military in El Salvador might have made Oscar Romero a martyr, but they could never silence him.


The struggles of teens

10 August 2017 EH

In Being 14, author Madonna King explores what it’s like to be a teenage girl in today’s world.


Accompanying with love

27 May 2015 EH

When the next generation becomes the carers. 


A refugee’s hip hop odyssey

29 May 2014 EH 1 comment(s)

There are many ways to tell stories; scribing or speaking are common art forms. But when a powerful personal story, a rugged African refugee tale which has brewed over many years, is told in song by a passionate musician whose life has been carved out by that experience, there’s a dynamism and a conviction which beckons audiences—and challenges too.


Sister Hilda’s healing touch

9 October 2013 EH

Sister Hilda Scott says that her vocation is to help people confront the pain in their lives.

Following a desire to do more

Following a desire to do more

5 March 2012 EH

A couple's experience of volunteering overseas began with a 'niggling dissatisfaction' with life here in Australia.


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