Christmas 2009 Saints

Editorial: A home-grown saint

6 October 2009 EH

It's possible that sometime before the end of this year, or early next year, Mary MacKillop will become Australia's first canonised saint.


Unguarded moments: Saints alive

6 October 2009 EH

The stories of the saints, even the gruesome ones, still resonate today.

The making of a saint

The making of a saint

5 October 2009 EH

After the death of someone who has lived a life of heroic virtue, questions often turn to whether that person should be made a saint. The canonisation process has evolved over the past 1,000 years. The steps are outlined in the Apostolic Constitution, Divinus Perfectionis Magister, which was brought into effect by Pope John Paul II in 1983. Liz Lillis provides a step-by-step guide to sainthood.

Processions of faith

Processions of faith

5 October 2009 EH

Most Australian Catholics know the stories of historical figures like St Joseph, St Peter and St Francis of Assisi. But other saints, like St Andrew Dung-Lac, St Maroun or St Filadelfo, also have their day in the sun in communities around Australia.

In the footsteps of others

In the footsteps of others

5 October 2009 EH

When Benita De Vincentiis joined the St Vincent de Paul Society as a young adult, she was inspired by the presence of a 'cute' boy. But in the decade she spent with the society as a youth coordinator, she found true inspiration in the lives and stories of the saints.



5 October 2009 EH

In Australia today when we think of saints we are likely to think of Mary MacKillop. She is already called Blessed Mary MacKillop. People look forward to the day when she will be canonised a saint and will join St Clare, St Catherine of Sienna and all the other saints.

The crib that came to stay

The crib that came to stay

5 October 2009 EH

Fr Rafaele Tresca's cribs have enthralled the community at Saint Brigid's for more than 40 years.

Christmas in heaven

Christmas in heaven

5 October 2009 EH

The red carpet has been rolled out. Thousands, millions, of lights twinkle overhead and angels, large and small, fly around directing a few reindeer that seem to have lost their way.

The gift of a Christmas

The gift of a Christmas

5 October 2009 EH

Christmas is about making connections with people we care for. But who cares for people who are living isolated and alone?

Too cool for schoolies

Too cool for schoolies

5 October 2009 EH

While most 17 and 18 year old high school graduate students will be looking forward to a week of partying and relaxing after completing their final exams, 16 students from Melbourne's De La Salle College will instead brave the heat, the language barrier and the lack of McDonald's venues to embark on a schoolies experience of a different kind.

A saint in all but name

A saint in all but name

5 October 2009 EH

This year marked a hundred years since the death of Blessed Mary MacKillop. For many, her life and deeds already mark her as a saint. But the journey to her canonisation has been a long one.


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