Christmas 2012 Pilgrimage



24 September 2012 EH

INROADS, the young adult division of Harvest Pilgrimages has launched a new website to showcase the amazing immersion, mission and pilgrimage based expeditions that will be made available for Australia's young-at-heart.



24 September 2012 EH

In the Christmas edition of Australian Catholics, we look at why Catholics go on pilgrimages in search of God.


A letter to: Dr Go Ogle

24 September 2012 EH

Dear Dr Go Ogle,It was good to meet yesterday for a cup of coffee, although it was not necessary to produce a list of 1400 coffee shops serving 250 brands of coffee at 130 different prices just so we could have a chat.


Unguarded moments: Going away to go home

24 September 2012 EH

In the Middle Ages the idea of a pilgrimage was to travel to a shrine or renowned place of worship. This was usually undertaken on foot, in a group, and is well documented via the colourful characters found in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.


9 day pilgrimage with Francis Xavier

24 September 2012 EH

Parishes and schools across Australia are welcoming a relic of St Francis Xavier to our shores, as part of the Year of Grace. Join us on this special pilgrimage with St Francis Xaver, and follow in the footstepts of this inspirational saint.

Lessons in living

Lessons in living

24 September 2012 EH

One of the most powerful experiences schools can offer students is to take them out of their comfort zones, to have them experience the lives of others first-hand. Some offer street retreats, giving students a chance to work among the homeless or marginalised. Others offer immersion experiences, where students spend time in a community in remote Australia or overseas.

Have you heard the one about

Have you heard the one about…?

24 September 2012 EH

Whether he's discussing God's 'approval rating' on The Colbert Report, writing books about Jesus' sense of humour, or providing more serious analysis, Fr James Martin SJ has found a way of communicating the timeless messages of the Gospel that resonates with audiences today.

Three kings

Three Kings in a Kombi Van

24 September 2012 EH

In a remote corner of the world, on a deserted road, sometime around the start of the new year...

A journey into reconciliation

A journey into reconciliation

24 September 2012 EH

Catholic Earthcare's Creation and Reconciliation Pilgrimage was a life-changing journey for people with environmental concerns and a desire for greater harmony with Indigenous peoples.

Martin's Way

Martin’s Way

24 September 2012 EH

We talk exclusively with Hollywood's Martin Sheen, about life, faith and what he's learned on the journey.

Faith as a journey

Faith as a journey

24 September 2012 EH

Pilgrimages have been a central part of the Catholic faith since its earliest days. The physical journeys we take in the name of Christ mirror and enhance the spiritual journeys we take as we seek to follow His example.


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