Winter 2011 Science And Religion

Editorial: Science and religion

1 June 2011 EH

It's a happy coincidence that this edition on science and religion comes out shortly after the beatification of Pope John Paul II.


Unguarded moments: Where science and religion flourish

1 June 2011

I was never much of a science student. I remember being careful with a Bunsen burner, undertaking experiments with chemicals in pipettes in the laboratory and trying to learn by heart the periodic table. But the science of my school days was for the students who could understand strange abstractions and pH balances and problem solving.

Science and the Bible

Science and the Bible

10 May 2011

Professor Neil Ormerod says he's dismayed when he hears people trying to reconcile the stories in the Bible with scientific discoveries.

Defining the boundaries

Defining the boundaries

10 May 2011 EH

We deal with science every day, from the food we eat to the transport we use. However various emerging technologies deal with new moral terrain, and do require our consideration. New medical treatments and genetic enhancement opportunities have triggered moral questions.

Science-based action

Science-based action

10 May 2011

We are inspired by faith, but our actions are most effective if they are based in science.

Finding answers in the stars

Finding answers in the stars

10 May 2011

The Vatican Observatory is one of the oldest scientific institutions in the world, continuing a tradition of scientific exploration in the Church that stretches back centuries.

Science academy awards

Science academy awards

10 May 2011

A number of religious people throughout history have turned to science to better understand God. Australian Catholics recognises some of the most influential.

Head to head with atheists

Head to head with athiests

10 May 2011 EH

Rev Dr John Polkinghorne is an English theoretical physicist, theologian and priest, whose recent book Questions of Truth: Fifty-one responses to Questions about God, Science and Belief (co-authored with Nicolas Beale) seeks to find a new, complementary model of science and religion.

A letter to Dawkins

A letter to Dawkins

10 May 2011 EH

Dear Richard Dawkins,Many thanks for your kind letter asking if you could borrow the Easter Candle from our school chapel. I appreciate that large candles are hard to find and are excellent for teaching the skills of scientific observation.

Religion's relationship with science

Explorations: Religion’s relationship with science

10 May 2011

When we think of science and religion we often think of conflict. We think of people like Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins claiming that science has disproved the claims of religion, and of Christians who argue against them. We also think of our own acquaintances who believe that modern science has made religion obsolete.

Taking science to new heights

Taking science to new heights

10 May 2011 EH

The study of science is vital to the future of our world. Loreto College in Adelaide has developed a unique science program that proves microscopes, lab coats and Bunsen burners are just as interesting as English, geography and drama class.

Believing in Darwin

Believing in Darwin

10 May 2011

Science teacher and Jesuit Father Terry Kelly SJ speaks to journalist Virginia Small about how he opens students up to new ways of thinking about science and religion.


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