Families blog – Give thanks

Brendan Nicholls 30 April 2024

Mothers are examples of faith, patience, fortitude and love.

Traditionally mothers have been celebrated for their kindness and ability to nurture children. They were the ones to hold families together while the father worked long hours to provide for the family. Today society continues to change so that traditional stereotypes become blurred or for many no longer hold any truth.

However, when we compare Mary, mother of Jesus, with modern day mothers we can identify some interesting connections. Mary was a woman of her time and religion. There were strict rules and expectations of mothers which guided virtues such as caring for children, compassionate toward others and a good manager of the home. Women during this time were honoured if they could bear children, but a barren woman or a widow were outcasts. Women played a lesser role in religion and were rarely educated in the Torah. There are examples of women in the Bible you broke through these boundaries but most were the wife of a powerful ruler.

Mary is different. Her husband was not powerful or wealthy and the reasons for her significant role in our Church are particularly ‘modern’.

Mary’s ‘yes’ made her the first disciple. Her trust in God was complete. Her submission to God’s will was grounded in fortitude and confidence.

Mothers today are also the first disciples of their families. Pregnancy is a difficult and challenging experience which must be entered into with faith. Saying ‘yes’ to new life and bringing that child into the world is the definition of faith.

Believing that all will turn out well and trusting in the Creator’s love requires a conviction beyond a simple desire to ‘have a child’. Once born the mother offers this belief to the infant.

Baptism is a symbol of this commitment and a promise to form the child and guide them as they develop their relationship with God. Faith is a virtue that is timeless and invaluable in our world.

As Jesus entered into his ministry Mary’s patience allowed him the ‘space’ to be who he needed to be. During Jesus’ ministry Mary is present but did not interfere or try to change his decisions. Patience is a virtue that mothers are exceptionally skilled in. So often fathers intervene and try to force wisdom on their children, mothers however patiently wait for their children to come to them and seek advice. While fathers are often listened to, it’s the mothers who are heard.

Being patient also allows gentleness and kindness to grow from within. When it comes time for a child to seek advice it’s offered in a generous and benevolent manner, and in doing so an offer is given rather than a demand. It’s no wonder that mothers have such influence over their children.

Mary was exceptionally strong. She did not run away when Jesus was condemned. She did not turn away when her son was being beaten or when he was crucified.

When Jesus died she was there at the foot of the cross offering him her strength. Mary endured the unimaginable and today so many mothers do also. Mothers in Ukraine and Gaza. Mothers who care for their terminally ill children. Mothers who are the sole visitors for their children who are in prison. Mothers do not turn away.

As humans we want to but just like God mothers never abandon their children or leave them to suffer or be scared alone. This deep strength overcomes all things. Knowing you are never alone is powerful.

For those whose mothers have passed away there is comfort that even in death they have not left you and that you are not alone. No matter how painful it is for a mother to see their child in pain or scared they, just like Mary, are right their offering love when others cannot bear the suffering. Fortitude is a virtue that is timeless and invaluable in our world.

Mary’s love is no different to the love of mothers in the modern day. Mary’s love though is universal; rather than loving only her son, she loves all of us. Love is the most powerful virtue mothers offer their children. Their love given is the basis for their patience. There love gives them the fortitude required to endure when their children suffer. Love is a virtue that is timeless and invaluable in our world. Paradoxically, love is the basis of faith. Without love you cannot trust.

Faith is the virtue that leads us to love. Faith is hope filled and earnest. Faith is a promise that makes the transcendent tangible. Faith allows God’s love to flow through us. In loving their children mothers make God’s love manifest and real in the world. Faith and love are bound together and create a synergy that is transformative ineffable.

Mothers are powerful. Mary and modern-day women share the same virtues that are timeless and invaluable. Contemplating and celebrating these virtues should be something we all do more often. Lord, we pray for and give thanks for mothers.

This article first appeared in the autumn 2024 edition of Madonna magazine.
Image: Getty Images



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