Gaming the Gospels – Essence of Christmas Scavenger Hunt

Laura Kings 27 November 2023

In this game, families, participants or teams work together to find items that symbolise the essence of Christmas and embrace the season in the spirit of simplicity. 

The ‘Essence of Christmas Scavenger Hunt’ combines the principles of Christian minimalism with the joy of exploration and discovery.

What is minimalism?
A minimalist lifestyle is intentionally living with fewer possessions — focusing only on what is needed and brings joy. Many people find freedom in minimalism because it allows them to avoid focusing too strongly on consumerism. Some Christians have embraced these ideas and developed what’s called ‘Christian minimalism’, drawing connections with ideas of simplicity, sacrifice, giving and loving. Minimalism is not about austerity or suffering, but rather focusing on the things that really matter and spending more time and effort on them. 
· list of scavenger hunt items (printed or displayed on a screen)
· pen and paper for each family
· small bags or baskets for collecting items
· Bible or Children’s Bible (optional for reference and reflection)

· timer
This scavenger hunt focuses on finding items that symbolize the key aspects of the Christian faith and the simplicity of the Christmas story. The idea is to explore items people already have around them that have some Christmas-related meaning. Below is a list of suggested items and you can choose as many or as few as required. Invite people to be creative (e.g. where it calls for a ‘candle’, perhaps a torch or shining toy might suffice), adding items significant to your family or group. 
·  Candle - symbolizes the light of Christ, bringing illumination to the world (John 8:12).
·  Straw - represents the simplicity of the manger where Jesus was laid (Luke 2:7).
·  Star ornament - symbolic of the star of Bethlehem that guided the wise men to Jesus (Matthew 2:1-2).
· Small bible - represents the word of God and the teachings of Jesus (Matthew 4:4).
· Angel figurine - recalls the angels who announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds (Luke 2:8-14).
· Tiny gift box - represents the gift of the Magi to the baby Jesus (Matthew 2:11).
· Nativity scene or figures - can include figures of Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus, emphasizing the simplicity of the nativity story (Luke 2:4-7).
· Ornament with a dove - represents the holy spirit, a symbol of peace and guidance (Matthew 3:16).
· Rock - symbolizes the stable or the foundation of faith in Christ (Luke 2:7 or 1 Corinthians 10:4).
· Shepherd's crook (or stick) - represents the shepherds who visited baby Jesus (Luke 2:8-20).
· Small cloth - can symbolize the swaddling clothes in which Jesus was wrapped (Luke 2:12).
· Feather - represents the gentle presence of angels (Luke :10-14).
· Map or globe - a nod to the wise men who travelled from afar to find Jesus (Matthew 2:1-12).
· Seed(s) or a packet of mustard seeds - symbolizes the idea of new life and growth through Christ (Matthew 13:31-32).
· Sheep toy – symbolises the shepherds who were visited by angels and travelled to visit the messiah as a result (Luke 2:8-20). 
Provide each family, participant or team with the list of scavenger hunt items (which may or may not have space to write about the meaning of each item) and a pen. Explain that the goal is to find items that embody the Christian values of faith, simplicity, and the true meaning of Christmas.
Scavenger Hunt
Set a timer for a designated time (e.g., 30 minutes) and let families, participants or groups explore their home or a predetermined area to find the specified items.
Encourage searchers to discuss the significance of each item they find. Maybe they can write a sentence or make notes about pieces as they find them.
Reflection Time
After the scavenger hunt, gather families or groups for a reflection time.
Optional: Find and read relevant Bible verses that correspond to the items found, fostering a deeper connection to the Christmas story.
Discuss how the items represent Christian values and minimalism.
Sharing Circle
Create a circle where participants share their findings and the insights gained during the hunt.
Encourage open dialogue about how the items chosen to reflect commitment to Christian minimalism during Christmas.
Prayer and Gratitude
Conclude the scavenger hunt with a prayer of gratitude, thanking God for the blessings of the Christmas season and the opportunity to focus on faith and simplicity.
· Tailor the scavenger hunt items to suit the values and beliefs of participating families.
· Incorporate specific Bible verses or passages for reflection.
· Add a creative twist by allowing families to contribute their own scavenger hunt items that hold personal significance.
The Essence of Christmas Scavenger Hunt offers families a delightful and meaningful way to celebrate the Christmas season. By combining the principles of Christian minimalism with a fun scavenger hunt, lasting memories are created while celebrating in the true spirit of Christmas.


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