Gaming the Gospels – Meeting new friends adventure

Laura Kings 25 July 2024

Overcome the fear of meeting new people by understanding that God is with us and provides courage.

For some of us, meeting new people can be hard, but if we remember that God loves us and is with us every step of the way, the social risks and discomfort of meeting new people can be lessened. This game helps participants practise social skills while building stronger relationships with God and others. 

•    Read Isaiah 41:10 aloud to the group: ‘So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.’
•    Discuss how meeting new people can sometimes be scary but God is always with us to help us feel brave.

Role-play activity
Create a simple role-play scenario where participants practise meeting new people. For each scenario, encourage participants to focus on how they can be friendly and open, and how they might draw strength from their faith to overcome any nervousness. 

Divide the group into pairs or small groups. Assign each group a scenario where they must introduce themselves to a new person (eg, ‘You are at a new playground and meet someone your age. How do you introduce yourself?’).
Each group performs their scenario, focusing on how they might feel nervous but can find courage through God’s support.

After each role-play, discuss:
•    How did it feel to introduce yourself to someone new?
•    What did you learn about overcoming the fear of meeting new people?
•    How did thinking about God’s presence help you feel braver?

Here are some role-play scenarios that might work well for your activity:
•    New participant in group – You are a new participant joining a group mid-year. Introduce yourself to your groupmates and ask about their favourite subjects.
•    Joining a sports team – You are trying out for a new sports team at school. Introduce yourself to your new teammates and ask about the team’s practice schedule.
•    Meeting a neighbour – You have just moved into a new neighbourhood. Introduce yourself to a neighbour and ask if they have any tips about the area.
•    Church youth group – You are attending a youth group meeting for the first time. Introduce yourself to the group and ask about upcoming events.
•    Community volunteer event – You are at a community volunteer event and meet other volunteers. Introduce yourself and ask about their experience with the organisation.
•    Summer camp – You are starting at a summer camp and meet a fellow camper. Introduce yourself and ask about their favourite camp activities.
•    Birthday party – You are attending a birthday party where you don’t know many people. Introduce yourself to another guest and ask how they know the birthday person.
•    School club meeting – You are joining a new school club. Introduce yourself to the members and ask about the club’s upcoming projects.

Reflection activity
Ask each participant to draw a picture of themselves meeting a new friend for the first time. Have them include a thought bubble or a small note with their drawing describing how they feel when they think about God being with them.
Share and discuss the drawings with the group, focusing on the positive feelings of meeting new people with God’s help.
Alternatively, ask participants to reflect on their experience in the activity in a reflection journal and then partake in an Ignatian-style spiritual conversation. 

Spiritual Conversation Rounds adapted for ‘Meeting new friends adventure’
Ignatian spiritual conversation is a reflective dialogue method rooted in the teachings of St Ignatius of Loyola, where individuals share personal experiences of prayer, discernment, and spiritual insights. It emphasises active listening, speaking from the heart, and recognising the presence and movements of the Holy Spirit within and between participants. This practice fosters deeper understanding, communal discernment, and spiritual growth through intentional, respectful, and prayerful communication.

First round of conversation
Individual sharing:
•    Share your experience from the role-play activity.
•    Focus on the main feelings, insights, and movements you experienced during the role-play.
•    Begin with ‘In my role-play, I . . .’
Active listening:
•    Profoundly welcome and listen to each person.
•    Notice how the Holy Spirit might be speaking through their experiences.
•    Reflect on how you are affected by their sharing.
Intentional speaking:
•    Speak from your own experience during the role-play.
•    Share honestly from your heart.
Practical matters:
•    Speak one after the other, moving clockwise around the circle.
•    Timed (two or three minutes per person).
•    No comments or crosstalk.

Second round of conversation
Reflective sharing:
•    Reflect on how you were affected by what you heard in the first round.
•    Begin with ‘I heard in the group . . .’ or ‘I was moved by . . .’
•    Consider common themes, striking comments, harmony, or dissonance from the role-play experiences.
•    Share what you are feeling now.
Practical matters:
•    Be intentional in speaking.
•    Speak only once. No cross talk.
•    Do not add anything you forgot to say in the first round.
•    Timed (two or three minutes per person).

Third round of conversation
Open discussion:
•    Reflect on and name the spiritual movements recognised in the second round of conversation.
•    Maintain the same attentiveness and sincerity as before.
•    Formulate any questions or feedback for the larger group related to the role-play experiences and the learnings about meeting new people with God's help.
Practical matters:
•    Use a popcorn style for speaking.
•    Conclusion

Conclude with a ‘Glory Be.’

Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,
is now,
and ever shall be,
world without end.


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