News round-up – Thursday, 20 June 2024

Laura Kings 20 June 2024

News, events, and items of interest relevant to Catholic teachers across Australia.

Aussie students excel globally

Australian high school students rank 4th globally in creative thinking, behind Singapore, South Korea and Canada, according to the latest PISA results from the OECD. The study also finds that girls outperform boys in creative thinking across all OECD countries. Professor David Cropley from the University of South Australia attributes Australia’s strong performance to classroom practices emphasising creativity. However, he notes the need to maintain this focus, especially in senior years, to better prepare students for the future workforce.

Sports for good

Sport can lead to Christ, says a new document from the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. ‘Open the Way to Christ’ highlights sport as a means to draw closer to faith, citing examples of athletes openly expressing their beliefs. The document encourages integrating faith values like fair play and teamwork into sports.
Archbishop Christopher Prowse emphasises the role of both sports fields and parishes as places of encounter and learning about Jesus.

The National Centre for Evangelisation is developing resources to help parishes use sports for outreach. They urge individuals, families, parishes, and dioceses to consider engaging in this mission.

Visit the website at Sport ( and find the full document here.

Young men find identity and connections online

The internet has become a vital platform for young men to explore and express their identities, according to a recent study.

Growing up entirely in the digital age, Australian young men aged 16 to 21 face unique challenges and opportunities online, reveals a recent study by eSafety, Deakin University and Queensland University of Technology.

The qualitative study, involving more than 100 participants, delves into how young men shape their identities, explore sexuality, and navigate social connections online. The research highlights a blend of freedom and anxiety, intimacy and caution, connection and harm.

Key findings include:
Identity: Young men use the internet to express themselves but often feel pressured and anxious about representing their masculinity. Influencers, particularly Andrew Tate, play a significant role in shaping their online personas.
Sexuality: Some young men are cautious about sharing intimate images, and others are critical of online pornography.
Social connections: Online platforms provide both support and acceptance, but also expose young men to potential harm, especially within gaming communities.

This report is the first part of a project, with the second part set to explore practitioners’ insights into promoting healthy masculinities. Read the report here.

Calls for support

Vinnies CEO Sleepout 2024 organisers are calling for supporters to combat Australia’s escalating housing crisis. Scheduled for tonight (20 June), this annual event organised by the St Vincent de Paul Society aims to raise funds to alleviate homelessness and poverty.

Meanwhile Catholics nationwide can support the Peter’s Pence appeal on 30 June, contributing to Pope Francis’ efforts in spreading the Gospel and assisting global humanitarian initiatives. Donations benefit charities aiding marginalised communities globally, with recent support reaching nations such as Ukraine, Haiti and South Sudan. Catholics are urged to include special prayers for the Pope. Discover more and contribute here

In brief

Fiona Holmstrom of STEM Punks has been named the Global Impact Award winner of the 2024 Women Changing the World Awards, presented by the Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson in Windsor. STEM Punks was founded in a garage in Brisbane Australia with the goal to become a global force for good in STEM (Science, technology, engineering, maths) Education.

High school students attended the first regional Quantum Tech Camp hosted by Sydney Quantum Academy in Dubbo recently. Led by top researchers, the camp introduced students to quantum mechanics and career pathways, exploring quantum computing concepts through sessions with prominent physicists and educators. Read more.

What’s on

The National Catholic Education Commission will host the upcoming national Formation for Mission gathering, focusing on areas like early career teacher training and engagement with families, to be held at Mary MacKillop Place in North Sydney from 13–14 August 2024. Register here.

The 2024 My First Speech competition for year 10-12 students is open. Speeches under 90 seconds on passionate topics can win a trip to Canberra to speak at Parliament House, meet MPs, and learn about democracy. Entries close 27 July 2024, at 5pm (AEST). Visit the My First Speech website for details.

The National Association of Practising Psychiatrists will a webinar on 2 July, 7-9.30pm, featuring Dr Hilary Cass presenting findings from her UK NHS report on treating youth questioning gender identity. Senior medical and legal experts will then discuss the implications for Australia. Find out more

Dive into ‘Guruwin’ at the Australian National Maritime Museum in Sydney starting 22 June. This 40-minute family-friendly puppetry show features lifelike sea creatures, highlighting First Nations ties and shark conservation. Catch it until 21 July, with special dates for sensory-sensitive visitors. Find out more



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