News Round-up Thursday 15 June 2023

Laura Kings 15 June 2023

News, events, and items of interest relevant to Catholic teachers across Australia.

Youth mistrust police: survey
Australian Catholic University criminologist Dr Matthew Morgan has proposed an overhaul of training, operational practice and interagency collaboration after his joint research project found 35 per cent of young people with mental illness believed police were procedurally unjust.
The paper, published in the international journal Policing and Society, and co-authored by associate professor Angela Higginson from Queensland University of Technology, examined data from the Australian Youth Safety Survey (2020) that showed one-third of participants aged between 14 and 25 identified as having a mental health condition. 
There was a significant correlation between young people with mental illness, particularly those in the LGBTI+ community, and mistrust of police, according to the survey. 
More than twice the proportion of young people with a mental health condition (nine per cent) than without (four per cent) gave the lowest score possible on all procedural justice items and said that police almost never act in a procedurally just way with young people. 

Catholic Church Insurance Ltd run-off
Following an announcement that Catholic Church Insurance is voluntarily being placed in a run-off situation, Church representatives restate a commitment to responding with justice and compassion to victims and survivors of abuse in Catholic settings.
The comments appeared in a joint statement from Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, president, Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and Father Peter Jones OSA, president, Catholic Religious Australia.
The bishops and leaders of religious institutes, reiterate an apology for the abuse that has occurred in the Church, stating they will continue to work towards justice and healing for the crimes and sins that took place, where that is possible, including through the payment of compensation.

The Catholic Church Insurance run-off also means that Church entities that have been insured with CCI will need to find new insurers. 
Read more here.

Recognising grandparents
The Church is preparing to celebrate the third World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly on Sunday, 23 July.
It's a special day when the Church honours and recognises the important role that grandparents and elderly individuals play as they share the faith with their grandchildren and witness to Jesus through their lives. 
The Church observes the World Day each year on the fourth Sunday in July, close to the feast of Jesus’ grandparents, Saints Joachim and Anne.  
The theme for this year’s World Day, ‘His mercy is from age to age’ (Lk 1:50), is connected to the upcoming World Youth Day in Portugal, where the theme, ‘Mary arose and went with haste’ (Lk 1:39), highlights the profound connection between the young and the old through the magnificent encounter between Mary and Elizabeth. 

Asia Pacific to lead Laudato Si’ global encounter
The second Laudato Si’ Global Encounter of 2023 is a gathering space organised by the World Council of Members to discuss the challenges ahead of the Laudato Si’ Movement. This time it will be led by the Asia Pacific region and will be held on Saturday, 17 June at 5pm Manila time.
June began with many new developments at Laudato Si’ Movement. After celebrating a new Laudato Si’ Week, marked by Pope Francis’ moving Creation Day message, the Season of Creation 2023 Celebration Guide was launched. Read more.
Meanwhile, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference launched its Laudato Si’ Action Plan on World Environment Day (5 June), outlining practical responses to Pope Francis’ landmark 2015 encyclical letter. Read more

What’s On
National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence: Friday, 18 August 2023. Register your middle to upper primary class for the virtual classroom and help your students learn the impact their words and actions online can have on other people.

Grand Plans for Grandparents: Brisbane World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly celebration.
Date: Saturday, 22 July 2023
Location: Hanly Room, Francis Rush Centre (194 Charlotte St, Brisbane City)
RSVP: 17 July
Register here.  

Online Prayer Service for Refugee Week 2023: The Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office and the Office of Justice Ecology and Peace invite you to an online prayer service to commemorate Refugee Week from 18 to 24 June. The theme of Refugee Week 2023 is Finding Freedom. The prayer service will be broadcast live at 7pm AEST on 20 June. Please register now

The Cardoner Network info night 2023: Discuss upcoming immersions and service year placements for young adults this December and January 2024. Places include Thailand, Nepal, Micronesia, Tonga and the Northern Territory for December. It’s at 6pm, 20 June at 202 Broadway, Chippendale NSW 2008. Find out more

JESEDU-Jogja2024 is one year away: This month marks the one-year countdown to JESEDU-Jogja2024, which will take place next year from the 24-28 of June in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Find out more


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