News Round-up – Thursday, 16 May 2024

Laura Kings 16 May 2024

News, events, and items of interest relevant to Catholic teachers across Australia.

Budget includes wage payments for prac teachers
The Federal Government has unveiled wage support for student teachers during mandatory placements, offering $319.50 weekly and debt relief for student loans. 
The initiative is part of a budget aimed at alleviating living costs and fostering Australian growth, also. 
Charles Darwin University Acting Vice-Chancellor Professor Reuben Bolt said it will encourage students to study education.
‘We know that teachers and health workers are incredibly needed here in the Territory and having paid placements and support for students will hopefully encourage more students to undertake these study pathways.’
While welcomed by experts for easing financial strains, some, like teacher educator Dr. Anne McLeod from Charles Sturt University, urge a reconsideration of means-testing to ensure equitable support.
Government responds to school refusal concerns
The Australian Government has addressed concerns over student school refusal following a Senate inquiry's recommendations. The response includes plans for increased research, enhanced resources on the Student Wellbeing Hub, funding for students with disabilities, and potential national action. It also addresses integrating school refusal education into teacher training and promoting trauma-informed approaches. The Committee's report and the Government's response are accessible online.

Peer sexual harassment a persistent problem
National research reveals that One in 10 Australians have experienced peer sexual harassment. Among those aged 16-24, more than 20 percent of women and almost 40 percent of individuals with diverse genders reported harassment. Incidents were mostly instigated by male peers, with known male peers involved in most cases. Individuals with diverse genders were more likely to be harassed by unknown peers. Heterosexual males had the lowest rates, while men with diverse sexualities faced higher risks. Read the research paper here

Kids suffering domestic violence trauma
A national child protection organization is drawing attention to the distressing effects of Australia's escalating domestic violence crisis. 
Act for Kids reveals that more than eighty percent of their clients endure domestic violence, underscoring the pressing demand for support services. 
They call on communities to confront behaviours perpetuating domestic violence and coercive control. 
According to acting CEO Thomas McIntyre, domestic violence stands as a primary source of childhood trauma.
‘The result of family, domestic, and sexual violence can range from lethal outcomes to severe and enduring effects on an individual's health, wellbeing, education, relationships, and housing situation.’
Youth justice system and victim support
The Interim Report on youth justice reforms and victim support in Queensland includes recommendations for the education sector despite the dissolution of the committee. Suggestions involve reviewing school policies on suspension and absenteeism, expanding alternative schooling programs, and enhancing health services in schools and Youth Justice Service Centres. Additionally, there's a call for increased funding for transition plans for detained youth. The Queensland Government recently responded, either accepting or accepting-in-principle all recommendations. Read the Queensland Government response here
In brief
Australia’s Catholics have their say: Twenty-five dioceses and three Eastern Catholic Church eparchies provided a wealth of ideas on how to improve the way the Church listens to the faithful. The Australian Summary was sent to Vatican before October Synod Assembly.
Read more

Pope puts hope at centre of Jubilee: Francis has launched the countdown to 2025 Ordinary Jubilee with a Bull of Indiction, anticipating millions of pilgrims in Rome and Australia.
Spes non confundit – Bull of Indiction of the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025 (9 May 2024) | Francis (
The Queensland Department of Education is proposing additional funding to support three-year-old children to transition to kindergarten. The funding will be targeted to vulnerable and disadvantaged children and children in rural and remote communities.  
Dr Rachael Kohn AO, respected religion journalist and long-time host of ABC Radio National’s The Spirit of Things, accepted a Doctor of the University at Australia Catholic University’s graduation ceremony in Sydney this week.
What’s on
May is Domestic and Family Violence Awareness Month in Queensland, focusing on raising awareness and understanding of coercive control. Help and support are accessible for those affected, including Lifeline Australia at 13 11 14, Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800, DVConnect Womensline: 1800 811 811 and DVConnect Mensline: 1800 600 636.
The Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (crcCARE) High School Essay Competition aims to inspire young students to recognise the importance of a clean environment to our wellbeing and to understand how easily human activities can jeopardise environmental sustainability. 
The deadline for entries is Wednesday, 31 July 2024.
Brain Break morning tea: Quiz and activity kits are available for hosting a National Science Week event. Registration is open until 17 July and the free kits will be posted soon after. 
2024 QCEC Student Wellbeing Forum: QCEC will host a Student Wellbeing Forum in Brisbane on Wednesday 29 May, featuring a range of practice and systems-based sessions best suited to school-based wellbeing leaders, teachers, and school leadership staff. Register here to attend online. 


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