News Round-up – Thursday, 23 May 2024

Laura Kings 23 May 2024

News, events, and items of interest relevant to Catholic teachers across Australia.

Australian children among most bullied
Australian children face some of the highest rates of bullying among English-speaking countries according to an Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) report. Based on OECD PISA test data, the report shows that one in six students have experienced bullying.
Dr. Elise Waghorn from RMIT University said bullied students scored significantly lower academically. Australian students also report feeling less safe at school compared to the OECD average.
Dr. Waghorn advises parents to support their children by affirming that bullying is not their fault.
‘When they tell you about instances of bullying, reassure them that you will not take any action without discussing it with them first. 
‘Do not encourage retaliation – such as violent acts. Instead, praise your child for reaching out and asking for help, remind them that they are not alone.’

Migrant and refugee children left lagging in early education
New research by SSI and UniSA reveals that migrant and refugee children in Australia are being left behind due to gaps in access to early childhood education. 
These children are accessing early education at lower rates and missing critical early intervention programs, making them more developmentally vulnerable when starting school. 
Read the report here.

New data on Australian schools and schooling
The data has been released by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) as part of the National Report on Schooling in Australia 2023.
The new chapters cover information on schools and schooling, student enrolment and retention
The National Report on Schooling in Australia will be progressively released, providing timely commentary on progress against nationally agreed policy initiatives by Australia’s school education sector as data becomes available. Find out more about the highlights here and explore the National Report on Schooling data portal here

Steps to success for school canteens
Australian school canteens face increasing pressure to remain profitable while offering healthier menus and competing with local food options, but a leading not-for-profit says it doesn’t have to be this way. 
ASCA CEO David Edwards believes success is possible with well-trained staff, proper equipment, and technology like online ordering and cashless transactions.
He said despite funding challenges, successful canteens adapt by listening to their community and reducing waste. 
Find out more

Education key to tackling online pornography
Restricting young people's access to pornography is not a definitive solution to sexualised violence, according to Sexual Health Victoria (SHV). 
SHV's Schools and Community Manager Samantha Read advocates for teaching online literacy, consent, and respect as part of Relationship and Sexual Health Education (RSE). 
She calls for a holistic approach, integrating these principles into curricula to empower young people to make informed choices online and offline.
Read more.

In brief
Schools will receive their full NAPLAN results, including writing, from June. Parents and carers will receive their child’s Individual Student Report from the start of Term 3. ACARA is then expecting to publish the National Results in August. 

The review of the Australian Curriculum: Languages is complete. The final group of languages and frameworks are now available on the Australian Curriculum, Version 9.0 website. This concludes the full F-10 Australian Curriculum Review that started in 2020. Find out more

Leading Catholic educators were in Canberra this week for a two-day conference on schools as ‘centres of evangelisation’. Delegates from Oceania, the UK, Ireland, and East Africa were mong attendees at ACU’s Signadou Campus.

Religious leaders from a range of faith backgrounds have written to the Victorian Parliament to express the fundamental and ongoing importance of prayer in Parliament. The Most Reverend Peter A Comensoli, Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne was among the signatories. 

Deadly Science have released their inaugural impact report for 2023, showcasing significant strides in providing education and resources for Indigenous learner classrooms. Read the report here.

What’s on
Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 - Developing a deeper understanding: ACARA’s new Professional Learning Hub course supports teachers across 8 Learning areas, exploring connections between strands and sub-strands to develop flexible, meaningful programs for students. Find out more about the new course or visit the Professional Learning Hub

DeadlyScience colouring competition: Design a science-themed tram
•    Download the colouring sheet here.
•    Design a sustainability-themed tram.
•    Record a video explaining your design.
•    Submit by email to [email protected] or tag DeadlyScience on social media by May 31st.

Nominate Your School for the 2024 DeadlyScience Pathways® Program: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Years 9-10 can join a free three-day biomedical science experience at WEHI's Parkville campus in Naarm (Melbourne) from October 22-24. Apply here and email [email protected] by June 9th. 

Register for the Good Oil Writers’ Workshop in Sydney on 29 May 2024. Titled ‘Words Matter – engaging with our Readers, nourishing the Spirit, and building Community,’ the workshop features author Michael McGirr, educator Ann Rennie, and ABC Producer Noel Debien.


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