News round-up – Thursday, 25 July 2024

Laura Kings 25 July 2024

News, events, and items of interest relevant to Catholic teachers across Australia.

More kids receiving child protection services
An annual report released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has revealed the number of children who received children protection services increased to about 180,000 in 2022-23.
This was an increase of more than two thousand children. 
There were more than half a million reports made to child protection authorities in Australia in 2022-23.
Almost 50,000 children were confirmed to have experienced abuse and neglect throughout Australia, slightly decreasing from the previous year.
Find out more.

Turning the tide on intimate partner violence in young people
Australia has launched its first national study on intimate partner violence (IPV) among young people, with early research indicating one in three young Australians experience IPV before 18. 
The two-year study will build on a growing body of evidence that young people’s use of violence, while having the potential to result in significant harm to victim survivors, is distinct from adult-perpetrated domestic and family violence and so requires a distinct response. 
The study is led by RMIT University and funded by the National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS). 
The ‘IVY Study’ aims to develop targeted responses to IPV by young people, addressing gaps in current services. The project will create a framework to ensure effective support and intervention, informed by frontline providers. 
Find out more

Civics education inquiry in northern Australia
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in regional and remote communities are sharing their views on civics education in Australia.
The Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters held public hearings and site visits in Maningrida and Darwin, NT, and Cairns, Queensland.
Committee Chair Kate Thwaites MP emphasised that inadequate electoral education and engagement can disconnect these communities from democracy. Despite increased enrolment, the NT still has low voter turnout, highlighting the need for better support.
Over three days, the committee met with various local councils, corporations, youth groups and schools.
Find out more.

Education policies and priorities released
The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority has unveiled new insights on education policies and priorities in the National Report on Schooling in Australia 2023. This chapter highlights the efforts by various government and school sectors to enhance education outcomes.
The next update, focusing on vocational education and training and student attainment, will be released in December 2024, with the full national report available in February 2025.

Have your say on draft mentoring guidelines
The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership invites educators to review and provide feedback on its newly drafted mentoring guidelines. Designed to support teachers mentoring pre-service and early career colleagues, the guidelines are informed by expert advice and current research.
Teachers and those interested in mentoring are encouraged to participate in the online survey, which will take about 10-15 minutes to complete. The survey closes at 5pm on Wednesday, 21 August 2024.
You can find it here.

In brief
The 2024 HSC Study Guide has been released online and in print, supporting the state’s almost 80,000 students preparing to sit exams later this year in New South Wales.

The new Frog Squad program uses books, music, and play to teach water safety in community groups and early learning centres. The initiative by Kids Alive aims to make water safety education accessible year-round.

The ‘Tech skills for the next generation – digital technologies education in Australian schools’ report provides a roadmap over the next five years on how to best support teachers to deliver high-quality and engaging programs in digital technologies for Australian primary and secondary school students. Read the report. 

What’s on
Formation for Mission Catholic Educators Gathering: Diocesan directors and leaders of formation, mission and religious education across Catholic education (both in Diocesan and RI & MPJP school authorities) will come together to share practice in a range of areas related to formation for mission.
Date: 13-14 August 2024.
Register here.
Download the brochure

National Science Week (10 to 18 August): This year’s theme is Species Survival – More than just sustainability. It is proudly supported by the Australian government, CSIRO, the Australian Science Teachers Association and the ABC. Find out more

Bullying No Way - National Week of Action: 12-16 August 2024. This year’s theme, ‘everyone belongs’, highlights our shared responsibility to prevent bullying and create safe, inclusive spaces. 

Season of Creation Convocation: 12 -14 September 2024, hosted by Catholic Earthcare and Caritas Australia. #SOCconvocation
Registrations close Monday 12 August 2024. 
Find out more
View the Convocation Schedule (AEST)

Forced Marriage Webinar for Educators: Catholic Education South Australia (CESA) and ACRATH invite school leaders, teachers, counsellors, and chaplains to join a webinar exploring the issue of FORCED MARRIAGE.
Date: 1 August via MS Teams
ACST (South Australia & Northern Territory) 3.30-4.30pm
AEST (Queensland, NSW, Victoria, Tasmania and ACT) 4-5pm
AWST (Western Australia) 2-3pm
Find out more.

ACRATH & Young Mercy Links Journeying Together to End Trafficking Webinar: 30  July 2024 at 7pm. The webinar will feature Isabel Salter and Catherine Edwards, who attended the recent Talitha Kum General Assembly in Italy. The young women will discuss challenges for young people wanting to respond to forced labour in garment factories and other industries and the growing displacement of migrating workers.
Register here.  


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