PICASSO: A REBEL IN PARIS – STORY OF A LIFE AND A MUSEUM, Italy, 2023. Directed by Simona Risi. 90 minutes. Rated PG.
This is a popular-audience-friendly documentary about the celebrated Spanish artist who moved to Paris in 1900 and made France the base for his career for the next seven decades. The documentary is hosted by Iranian-born actress, Mina Kavani, dubbed for the English version, empathising with Picasso as an exile from home country, explaining aspects of Picasso’s life, his art, sometimes addressing the audience over her shoulder, something of a commanding presence when she is on screen.
The film introduces a number of expert talking heads, especially in French, but with subtitles. They offer personal appreciation, technical information and perspectives on Picasso’s life and art.
The immediate advantage of the film is placing Picasso in his historical context. Born in Spain in 1881, his art studies in Spain and then his move to Paris to establishing himself there – with quite a number of photos of the young Picasso as well as some clips of the older man, especially his painting his signature – which is also the final scene of the film.
But, of course, the main advantage is the close-ups of so many of Picasso’s paintings and the information that he continually painted, keeping many paintings himself. And the advantages of this when the French government set up a château as his museum, it was able to house so many of his paintings, the camera sometimes roving through the museum.
There are some explanations of the changes in his career, his becoming part of the French establishment from the end of the 19th century into the 20th, friendship with Matisse, the development of Cubism, indications of his style in the early pieces and then the development of the multi-dimensional images with which audiences are so familiar.
There is some background to his own life and relationships. But, this is a 90-minute documentary – an invitation to Picasso’s career, with audiences being able to follow up with Internet entries. And Picasso was portrayed in the film, Surviving Picasso, where he was played by Anthony Hopkins, 1996, directed by James Ivory.
Released 22 June
Image: Wax figure of the famous Pablo Picasso from Madame Tussauds on 19 December 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand. Depositphotos.com