Michele Frankeni

Michele is the assistant editor of Australian Catholics.

Embrace the music

Michele Frankeni 29 February 2024 EH

Parishes have the power to lift their music programs from the mundane to the truly inspiring by reaching out to young people.


A liturgy of reflection

Michele Frankeni 10 February 2024 EH

Preparation is the key to the staging of any successful event.


Education resources for learning from home

Michele Frankeni 15 July 2021 3 comment(s)

Looking for tips and ideas for engaging students when teaching online.  


Greener environment good for students

Michele Frankeni 18 June 2021

A study from ACU that says greenery around primary schools may boost academic performance in young children. What's your school doing to increase the number of green spaces? 


Euthanasia discussion resources

Michele Frankeni 17 June 2021

Euthanasia in important topic for students studying religion and society to explore in the classroom. Australian Catholics has sourced a number of articles that might help senior students engage with different perspectives on this issue. Do you know of any other helpful resources for students?


Pioneers of Australian Catholic education – questions and activities

13 May 2021 EH

Read Catholic education across the decades in the 2021 winter edition of Australian Catholics and take part in the following questions and activities.


Year of St Joseph

26 April 2021 EH

Pope Francis, to mark the 150th anniversary of the declaration of St Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church, has dedicated most of 2021 to St Joseph, whose feast day is 19 March.


Social justice and the margins: questions and activities

18 February 2021 EH

Read Explorations: Social justice and the margins and take part in the following questions and activities.


Poetry questions and activities

11 February 2021 EH

Read Finding shelter in poetry in the autumn edition of Australian Catholics, as well as the Value of poetry, and take part in the following questions and activities.


Looking ahead at 2021 – questions and activities

4 February 2021 EH

As we prepare to start a new school year, what will we take with us from our experiences last year to help us in our school life and family life?


Fighting for creation – questions and activities

26 November 2020 EH

Read ‘A student’s environment is their castle: The fight to save the world from coal’ and take part in the following questions and activities.


Would you like trial access to explore the platform?

It is free and can be for as many staff members as you wish.

Get in touch via [email protected] and we can set this up for you.


Would you like a tour of the site for you and your RE team?

We can connect via your preferred platform (Zoom, Teams, Google meet etc).
It is free and takes 15mins.

Get in touch via [email protected] and we can book one in for you.