Prayer Blog

1-12 out of 113 results.

Prayer blog: Ecological conversion

Dr Peter Saunders 1 February 2022

In April the Ignatian Ecospiritual Conference is an opportunity to explore our interconnectedness with all Creation.


Prayer blog: The Way, the Truth and the Life of the Party

18 September 2018

Jesus was not one to disdain a party. Indeed, many of the times in the Gospels when Jesus gets angry art times when people are trying to disrupt parties.


Prayer blog: Spiritual encounters in the Macedon Ranges

10 April 2018

There is much to be learned when you are 'Being with God in Nature'.


Prayer blog: Becoming more human

23 November 2017

Reconciliation with creation isn’t just about changing the way our society uses resources and impacts on the environment. It’s also about reconsidering how we live in the world and relate to each other as individuals.


Prayer blog: Light and darkness

16 November 2017

If a trouble-struck government decided to hold a plebiscite for people to choose between Light and Darkness, Light would win in a landslide. But in fact, our natural condition is to live in shadow and to protect ourselves against the light. 


Prayer blog: Ripples

9 November 2017

Throughout November the Church remembers those who have died and rest eternally with God. Here is one way you can remember them each day. 


Prayer blog: Eradication of Poverty Day

16 October 2017

We usually think of poverty as something that afflicts third world nations. But it is also present in Australia – shamefully so, in a nation of great wealth. We can see its effects in the lives of Indigenous Australians, with their poorer life expectancy income and educational opportunities, and greater likelihood of addiction, hospitalisation and jailing.


Prayer blog: Prayer and peace

25 September 2017

Those of us with ready access to various media are aware that we are being bombarded from every side with reports of violence: domestic violence, murders, robberies, suicide bombers, diplomatic spats, war, street protests, sexual abuse and even in nature.


Prayer blog: Pope Francis encourages devotion to the Sacred Heart

20 September 2017

On Saturday Pope Francis received a delegation from the Society of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. He gave a short address and specifically mentioned their devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, encouraging them to 'return to your first and only love.'


Prayer blog: How about that weather?

12 September 2017

It certainly has been a wet year. At Saint Ignatius College we have been flooded twice and survived a recent close call. We have spent many lunchtimes indoors as ‘the heavens opened’ during break times. Our football oval still has an average of two centimetres of water over the entire surface and the road near our school was 30cm under water for a second time last week.


Prayer blog: Making meaning in our lives

17 August 2017

Finding joy during the darker times will come easier if we practise finding meaning in the little things every day.


Prayer blog: The Treasure Within

2 August 2017

A beggar had been sitting by the side of a road for over thirty years. One day a stranger walked by.


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