Caritas Australia - Romina Martiniello (Social and Ecological Justice Animator Vic/Tas)

Organisation Public
Caritas Australia - Romina Martiniello (Social and Ecological Justice Animator Vic/Tas)
Phone Number Public
Melbourne, Victoria

Social Justice

Catholic Social Teaching (CST)

Ecological Justice

Laudato Si

Global Poverty 

Refugee Crisis

Indigenous Peoples/First Nations Justice

Street Address
383 Albert St
East Melbourne
Organisation Description

For over 55 years, Caritas Australia has been walking alongside the world’s most vulnerable. We work with communities to help them achieve their development goals and build a better future for all. By listening to locals and working together, we create lasting change.

When a crisis hits, we work hand-in-hand with local communities and churches to bring aid and relief to people whose lives have been devastated by natural disaster or conflict. 

Today we serve in 18 countries, working with over 50 local partners in communities to bring hope, support and compassion to the world’s most vulnerable people.


In compiling the information on this directory, we are entirely reliant on the accuracy of the information submitted to us by the entities which appear in it. We are not liable for any errors or omissions in this information.

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