The Catholic tradition

NAIDOC Week – Questions and activities

Laura Kings 24 June 2024

These classroom resources support students to understand NAIDOC week and an Indigenous point of view. They also look at how Christians are called upon to relate to others. 


Living the example of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga – questions and activities

Laura Kings 20 June 2024 EH

These questions and activities introduce younger students to the idea of patron saint and take a closer look at the patron saint of young students and Christian youth. Older students will then look at practical ways to follow Saint Aloysius’ example by getting involved and practising empathy.


Radical acts of kindness – questions and activities

Laura Kings 12 June 2024

The classroom resources help students understand how to be kind, why Christians choose to be kind, how to persevere when making kind choices gets tough and how to be radical in their choices to be kind. They also look at how we can be kind to the homeless. 


AC+ Guide to change and the Church

Laura Kings 4 June 2024 EH

Change relates to the Catholic Church in its ongoing efforts to adapt to modern societal shifts while maintaining its core doctrines and traditions.


Suffering in the Bible

Laurie Woods 30 May 2024 EH

From Job we learn how lived experience subverts human expectations and traditional values.


Suffering, reconciliation, honouring and healing – questions and activities

Laura Kings 23 May 2024 EH

In these eclectic notes, primary school students will look at the sacraments of healing and funeral rites. Older grades will consider what the Bible tells us about suffering and examine how Catholics can use their understanding of reconciliation to heal wounds and repair relationships by considering National Reconciliation Week.


AC+ Resources on God

Laura Kings 23 May 2024 EH

It's trite to say that you could put all the resources on God in one place, but these resources are designed to support discussion about Catholic beliefs around God in the classroom, as well as supporting students to identify the presence of God in their lives. 


True image

Peter Fleming 16 May 2024 EH

From the legend of Saint Veronica comes a picture of a true believer in Jesus and justice.


More than history

Ann Rennie 16 May 2024 EH

The Way of the Cross pilgrimage in Israel is a framework for our lives, not just a walk through history.


Gambling on making good decisions – questions and activities

Laura Kings 15 May 2024 EH

These questions and activities consider Catholic morality, making good choices and kindness, culminating in activities for senior students that consider how to make good choices where gambling is concerned. 


In the image of God and the footsteps of St Veronica – questions and activities

Laura Kings 8 May 2024 EH

Use the idea of a pilgrimage through the Stations of the Cross and the example of St Veronica to reinforce Catholic concepts and teach about compassion. 


Exploring what the crucifix means – questions and activities

Laura Kings 2 May 2024 EH

In these questions and activities, we explore the symbol that reminds us that God’s love and rescue are stronger than the power of evil and the pain and shame of the cross.


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