Catholic Teacher Faith formation resources for term two 2023

Laura Kings 26 April 2023

In Term 2, we explore the life and times of Jesus, as well as noting some of the major events from the secular and Catholic calendars relevant to your school and the faith life of your students.

Australian School Term Dates Term 2 2023
QLD: Monday 17 April 2023 to Friday 23 June
NT: Monday 17 April to Friday 23 June
VIC: Monday 24 April to Friday 23 June 
NSW: Monday 24 April to Friday 30 June 
WA: Monday 24 April to Friday 30 June
ACT: Monday 24 April to Friday 30 June
TAS: 26 April to 7 July
SA: 1 May to 7 July


Thursday 27 April
This term we take a comprehensive look at the world of Jesus. As Fr Andrew Hamilton SJ writes, the more we learn about the complex relationships in Jesus’ world, the more we understand his radical message of salvation for all human beings.
Meantime, in honour of the feast of St Joseph the worker (1 May), we look at a biblical careers guide. One of our young writers argues that finding a job in ancient Israel was just as important, and as difficult, as it is today.
AC+ subscribers are reminded that they can also access the recording of a Q&A session we held for teachers earlier this year titled, ‘What was Jesus like?’ Facilitating lively classroom conversations about Jesus and his life.Dr John Honner and Lauren Considine joined us to talk about how teachers might engage creatively in the classroom with some of the questions students have about Jesus and his life.  
Dates to remember: World Day for Safety and Health at Work (28 April), Feast of St Joseph the Worker (1 May), World Press Freedom Day (3 May), Feast day of Blessed Edmund Rice (5 May), Feast of St Louise de Marillac (9 May).
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: Prayer 
For AC+ subscribers: Articles discussing the importance of work in our lives.

Thursday 4 May 
In the ‘Lonely Disciple’s Guide to The Holy Land’,  Australian Catholics offers an all-expense-spared tour of the Holy Lands at the time of Jesus. Tie up your sandal straps, pack your festival tent, hire your donkey – there’s no Uber where we’re going. 
And if this whets your appetite for travel, our next article explores how journeys around the Holy Land are a way of getting closer to Jesus and his teachings.
Dates to remember: Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Rice (5 May), Feast of St Louise de Marillac (9 May), Mother’s Day (14 May).
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: Adam
For AC+ subscribers: In this collection of articles, we look at how some modern Catholics experience pilgrimage. 

Thursday 11 May
This week we look at ‘What the Church owes women’ and find Jesus did not discriminate against women and women responded by building the domestic church.
Then, in ‘The awesome, amazing, great, very good love of God’ we are reminded about how the gift of his only Son transforms his God’s relationship with us, his people, into that of a ever-loving parent.
Dates to remember: Mother’s Day (14 May), International Day of Families (15 May), Feast of the Ascension of The Lord/Ascension Day, World Communications Sunday (21 May).
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: Dwelling
For AC+ subscribers: A selection of articles considering different aspects of motherhood in the lead-up to Mother’s Day.

Thursday 18 May
This week we look at the historical evidence corroborating the existence of Jesus. We consider what it tells us about life in his times and the insight into Christian thought it offers. 
Rev Associate Professor Anthony Gooley writes about how the evidence for the existence of Alexander the Great pales into insignificance against the evidence for the existence of Jesus.
Subscribers can access the recording of the Q&A session we held in February on the topic: ‘How do we know what we know about Jesus?’ Engaging students’ questions about the history and study of Catholicism. In this session, we spoke to Rev Gooley from BBI – TAITE as he shared some insights about the historical Jesus and the study of Catholicism. Meanwhile, Peter Fleming, an author and RE teacher, shares some of the questions that students and others ask about Jesus. 
Then, we discover that ‘Seeing is believing’ as a young writer reveals that descriptions of Jesus’ time located in the New Testament are made real by today’s archaeological finds.
Dates to remember: Feast of the Ascension of The Lord/Ascension Day,
World Communications Sunday (21 May),
International Day of Biological Diversity (22 May), 
National Sorry Day/National Reconciliation Week (26 May, 27 May-June 2).
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: Historical critical method
For AC+ subscribers: We have collated a selection of articles suitable for reading in the lead-up to the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord (Ascension Day).

Thursday 25 May
As we prepare for National Reconciliation Week, we consider that ‘forgiveness requires forgiving’ and that in seeking forgiveness from God, you must first deal with any anger between you and others.
We then take ‘A lesson in love’, discovering that Jesus believed in a Law that lifted and bettered people, not one that confounded and oppressed.
Dates to remember: National Sorry Day/National Reconciliation Week (26 May, 27 May-June 2),  Pentecost Sunday (28 May),
Feast of The Visitation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary (31 May).
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: Acts of the Apostles
For AC+ subscribers: We share a selection of articles in the lead-up to Pentecost Sunday.

Thursday 1 June
This week, we look through ‘A window into Jesus’ world’ and discover what 75 years of studying the Dead Sea Scrolls has taught us.
Meanwhile, in ‘A Corinthian thief’, a young writer imagines how the letters of St Paul must have brought hope to many.
Dates to remember: International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression (4 June), Trinity Sunday (4 June), World Environment Day (5 June), Feast Of St Marcellin Champagnat (6 June), World Oceans Day (8 June).
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: Hermeneutics
For AC+ subscribers: Catholic perspectives on valuing Oceans and the greater environment.

Thursday 8 June
Dr Janine Luttick writes that children in early Christian times were considered signs of hope and prosperity, which gives us a frame through which to interpret the story of the raising of Jairus’ daughter. 
Meanwhile, Dr Angela McCarthy advises that a good way to spread goodwill and inculcate a sense of being loved is to be grateful, discussing the story of the 10 Lepers. 
In both stories, Jesus uses heals people and those around him are not only gratified, but convinced of his authority as a teacher and someone chosen to lead them to salvation. These articles underscore the unique role that Jesus plays in the life of Christians, even now. 
Dates to remember: World Oceans Day (8 June), Feast of Corpus Christi (11 June), World Day against Child Labour (12 June), National Refugee Week (18-24 June)
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: God 
For AC+ subscribers: Celebrating Christ’s presence on the Feast of Corpus Christi.

Thursday 15 June
The Bible’s mark on the Mass is more than the reading of the scriptures in the Liturgy of the Word, writes Julian Butler SJ. 
We also investigate why Saint Thomas the Apostle is the ideal guide for all when faith falters.
Dates to remember: World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought (17 June), International Day for Countering Hate Speech (18 June),
World Refugee Day (20 June), National Refugee Week (18-24 June), Feast Of St Aloysius Gonzaga (21 June), Vinnies CEO Sleepout (22 June).
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: John [Gospel of]
For AC+ subscribers: A collection of articles the help us to deepen our ‘Mass understanding’.

Thursday 22 June 
This week, one of our young writers ponders what you would ask if you could pose one question to Jesus in person?
This reminds us that young people have a lot of big questions that need answering. In ‘Something to live for – Hard quiz’, Michael McGirr tackles seven difficult questions that demonstrate Jesus’ radical approach to the cultural mores of his time.
Dates to remember: Vinnies CEO Sleepout (22 June), Day of the Seafarer (25 June),
NAIDOC Week (2-9 July), Feast of St Thomas the Apostle (3 July).
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: Kerygma
For AC+ subscribers: Get ready for your next great chat with this selection of articles that tackle big questions.

Thursday 29 June
As the term draws to a close, it’s always good to have some engaging activities planned to keep kids motivated in the Religious Education classroom. In his light-hearted article, ‘Streaming the Bible’, Michael McVeigh offers pitches for some new biblically-inspired TV shows that we think might find an audience. What ideas can your class come up with, and why would they be worth watching?
You may also like to include some viewing in your learning. Since the invention of cinema in the 1890s, there have been numerous films set in the time of, or about, Jesus Christ. Why not watch one with your class? Don’t forget, to make it an active viewing experience with our film viewing guide for classrooms.
A little competition will also keep the troops entertained. Why not stage a class competition using our quiz about the Apostles? How well does your class know the 12 loyal followers of Jesus Christ? Did anyone say revision?
Dates to remember: NAIDOC Week (2-9 July), Feast of St Thomas the Apostle (3 July), Feast of St Benedict of Nursia, World Population Day (11 July), World Youth Skills Day (15 July). 
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: Apostle
For AC+ subscribers: Consider how Catholics are called to respond to NAIDOC Week with this collection of articles. 


AC+ Subscriber emails
If you are an AC+ subscriber, you get access to so much good stuff, not least of all our AC+ Resource Guides, which are invaluable for planning units and lessons. Here’s what you can expected to see in Term 2. 
Tuesday 2 May – NEW Mary, Updated motherhood
Mary is the mother of God, the immaculate conception, the greatest disciple, a central figure to the Church and so much more. It’s time she got a guide all to herself. We will also update our guide on motherhood ahead of Mother’s Day. 
Tuesday 16 May – Updated sacraments (all in one email)
If you try to explain the sacraments to someone from another religion or branch of Christianity, it can be a difficult thing. Yet, these rituals are central to life as a Catholic, especially for children. We have guides to help you explain and teach about them. Hopefully this will make the explaining easier. 
Tuesday 30 May – NEW Popes
We saw the passing of Benedict and the hospitalisation of Francis this year. It’s been a difficult year for many Catholics, but many children are left wondering what all the fuss is about. Help them to understand the role of the Pope in the Catholic Church using this resources guide. 
Tuesday 13 June – Updated Firsts Nations perspectives; Updated refugee perspectives
Junes sees the International Day for Countering Hate Speech (18 June), World Refugee Day (20 June), National Refugee Week (18-24 June), while NAIDOC Week is celebrated at the start of July. No doubt your school will hold events, or you will teach curriculum that covers topics related to the issues raised during these days of awareness, commemoration and celebration. We are updating our resource guides to make sure you have access to a list of our latest resources on these topics. 
Tuesday 27 June – New life and times of Jesus
We’ve published an issue on it, discussed it all term, now it’s time to collate the resources in one place so you can easily access them in your teaching. Introducing our latest Resources Guide on ‘The Life and Times of Jesus’. 


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