Quiz: Saintly conversions

2 November 2020

How well do you know the lives of the saints and when they converted to Christianity? Take our quiz to find out.

How well do you know the lives of the saints and when they converted to Christianity? Take our quiz to find out.

  1. Which fourth century saint converted to Christianity at the age of 32 after heeding a call to read the letters of St Paul – answering many years of prayers from his mother St Monica?
  2. Canonised in 2019, which 19th century English saint converted from Anglicanism to Catholicism at the age of 44, later becoming a cardinal?
  3. A murderer turned saint, venerated as the patron of widows and converts, St Olga was both the first documented female ruler and first canonised saint from which country?
  4. In which holy city did St Mary of Egypt’s conversion to Christianity from a life of ill-repute take place?
  5. In which African country was St Charles Lwanga martyred after being baptised as a Christian and taking a stand for his persecuted brethren in the 19th century?


Answers: 1. St Augustine. 2. St John Henry Newman. 3. Russia. 4. Jerusalem. 5. Buganda/Uganda (present day).


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