Families blog – Fourteen stations of the Resurrection

Michael McGirr 16 February 2025

We are familiar with the stations of the cross, a way of being with Jesus as he suffers, but we could also pray 14 stations of the Resurrection.

1. Some women meet an angel at the tomb (Mt 28: 1-8; Lk 24: 1-5)
It was early, still dark and very cold. The women thought they just had a job to do. Then they could go home and start getting back to normal after the horrific events of Good Friday. They found there was to be no such thing as normal anymore.

2. Why look for the living among the dead? (Lk 24: 5)
We all do this. We wish that we could go back to the good old days. Perhaps we wish that something painful never happened. Change can be difficult. Growth requires openness to the future.

3. Peter and the beloved disciple arrive at the tomb (Jn 20:16)
Peter was a serious small businessman. The other disciple is often regarded as the youngest; he ran faster and got to the tomb first but waits for Peter. The story makes it clear that young and old understood together what had happened. Our faith needs people who are different from us.

4. Jesus meets Mary in the garden (Jn 20:16)
Mary of Magdala thought Jesus was the gardener. When she recognises the Lord, she is understandably emotional. Jesus tells her not to hang on to him. She has a special mission for which she must be free.

5. Mary goes to tell the disciples (Jn 20:18)
Pope Francis has described Mary of Magdala as ‘the apostle to the apostles.’ Jesus knew that in his time the witness of a woman might not be trusted. He has not risen to new life just to reinforce the status quo.

6. Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit on the disciples (Jn 20:22)
The risen Lord never speaks a word of revenge. He doesn’t even mention Pilate or the High Priests. He simply says, ‘peace be with you.’ The gift of the Holy Spirit is a fresh start.

7. Jesus encounters Thomas (Jn 20:24-29)
Jesus meets us right where we are. Thomas wanted hard and fast proof, so Jesus offered it. The Risen Lord meets us in the middle of all our doubts, anxieties and uncertainties. In situations of pain, he says ‘here are my wounds.’

8. Jesus asks for grilled fish (Lk 24: 42)
Many of the stories of the risen Lord involve food. Eating shows he was flesh and blood, not just a figment of the imagination. Food also creates community which was the key to the future.

9. Jesus meets the disciples on the road to Emmaus (Lk 24: 13-27)
Jesus listens to two travellers in despair and confusion. He understands everything in our hearts as well. He might sometimes laugh gently at our expense. ‘You foolish people,’ he chides.

10. The disciples recognise Jesus in the breaking of the bread and return to Jerusalem (Lk 24: 28-35)
Are we able to recognise the risen Lord at our own table? In our family? In our work? In the world at large with all its challenges?

11. The disciples see Jesus on the shore of the Sea of Galilee (Jn 2: 4-7)
Galilee was where the journey began. Jesus takes his disciples back to the very start. A new beginning starts with a BBQ. The Jesus journey always sets out from a place of relationship and encounter.

12. Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves him (Jn 21: 15-17)
Peter needs healing. He has let his dear friend down. Jesus draws out the poison of guilt and replaces it with love.

13. Jesus sends the disciples out to the whole world (Mt 28:19; Mk 16:15)
The Resurrection was a victory, but it was not the end. Our life and faith are to be shared far and wide. Christian faith doesn’t pat itself on the back.

14. Jesus returns to the Father (Mt 28:20; Lk 24:50)
Perhaps it might have been nice if Jesus had hung around a bit longer, creating a few more witnesses. It is over to us now.

Michael McGirr is the mission facilitator of Caritas Australia.


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