What’s coming up in Catholic Teacher emails for Term 3

Laura Kings 18 July 2024

Here we share an overview of what to expect if you subscribe to the free Catholic Teacher newsletter in Term 3 2024.

Universal questions, faithful answers
If there’s tension between science and faith, then someone forgot to tell the contributors to the Winter edition of Australian Catholics, many of whom combine scientific inquiry and careers with religious calling. Please find an overview below of what you can expect to see in the weekly Catholic Teacher email for Term 3 2024.
Term Dates:
Qld: Monday, 8 July – Friday, 13 September
NT: Monday, 15 July – Friday, 20 September
Vic: Monday, 15 July – Friday, 20 September
WA: Monday, 15 July – Friday, 20 September
ACT: Monday, 22 July – Friday, 27 September
NSW: Monday, 22 July – Friday, 27 September
Tas: Monday, 22 July – Friday, 27 September
Dates are approximate, please check with your school for accurate dates.


Thursday, 18 July 
Structured literacy improves reading proficiency among students, even in the religious education classroom. We offer some insight in the article ‘Reading the room’ by Laura Kings.

The relationship between science and the Catholic religion is often misrepresented as a vexed one. However, this is far from the truth. We investigate this relationship in the latest instalment of explorations, ‘How to live in the world’ by Fr Andrew Hamilton SJ. He writes that Christianity’s focus on relationships – to God, to each other and our environment – in turn fosters our interest in all that science and technology enable us to do. Along a similar vein, in ‘Wholly curious’ Ann Rennie see a comfortable relationship between the wonder of science is a compliment to the wonder of God. You can find classroom questions and activities here.
Dates to remember: Feast of St Mary Magdalene (22 July), Feast of St James the Greater (25 July), National Tree Day, World Day for Grandparents and the elderly (28 July), International Day of Friendship (30 July), Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola (31 July).
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: Theology
For AC+ subscribers: Mary MacKillop


Thursday, 25 July
This week we consider the link between social media and young people’s mental health. We also consider friendship with an article from Fr Andrew Hamilton and the unlikely link between World Friendship Day and St Ignatius.
While our articles this week don’t directly address social media, one looks at the positive effect that developments in communication technology can have, while a second article looks at how to support positive mental health for the young. In ‘A big call’, young writer Thea Kurniawan shares the charming story of how in a lifetime of witnessing technological advances, for one 80-something it was the telephone that stands out as having an outsized effect. Fellow young writer Ann Maria Sabu writes in ‘Faith in wellbeing’ that faith communities can promote positive mental health and wellbeing for young people in many ways. We publish both these articles against a backdrop of discussion about the negative effect of social media on young people in Australia. Classroom questions and activities will consider how young people can keep their interaction with these communication and entertainment technologies healthy using the tools of their faith.
Dates to remember: Feast of St James the Greater (25 July), National Tree Day, World Day for Grandparents and the elderly (28 July), International Day of Friendship (30 July), Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola (31 July), Feast of St Alphonsus Liguori (1 August).
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: Solidarity
For AC+ subscribers: Friendship


Thursday, 1 August 2024 
Empathy and respect for human dignity are particularly relevant considerations for Catholics during HOMELESS WEEK (5-11 Aug), with Fr Andrew Hamilton writing on the issue. We then share two articles from our friends at Australian Jesuit Province. In ‘They do magic here’, David McMahon, communications manager, Society of Jesus in Australia discovers that the homeless, the hungry and the lonely in Sydney converge at lunchtime, because St Canice’s Kitchen, which has been operating for 35 years, is their safe place.    
In ‘Kitchen aid’ by Paulie Stewart, OAM we find out about how music legend James Hains from the legendary band Painters and Dockers has a special place in his heart for the Timorese Alma Nuns who care for handicapped and abandoned children in Dili.
Dates to remember: Feast of St Alphonsus Liguori (1 Aug), Homelessness Week (5-11 Aug), The feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Hiroshima Day (6 Aug), Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop (8 Aug), International Day of The World’s Indigenous Peoples (9 Aug).
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: Human Dignity
For AC+ subscribers: Preferential option for the poor


Thursday, 8 August 2024 
Science and faith can co-exist. In ‘Star struck’ Vatican astronomer Brother Guy Consolmagno spoke about this when he was interviewed for a podcast for Australian Catholics during a visit to Australia. In the wide-ranging interview with Deborah Kent, Brother Guy spoke about science and faith.  Meanwhile in ‘Blue sky thinking’, Alice Carwardine writes that science in fact helps us understand the nature of God’s love.

Celebrate youth and digital innovation on International Youth Day 2024 
This year’s theme, ‘From clicks to progress,’ highlights young people driving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through technology.
Digital transformation is key for achieving the SDGs, with young ‘digital natives’ contributing significantly through their tech innovations. As the 2030 SDG deadline nears, youth remain crucial in tackling global challenges. We will update our International Youth Day questions and activities to reflect this year’s theme.
International Youth Day – From Clicks To Progress: Youth Digital Pathways For Sustainable Development
International Youth Day 2022 – Questions and activities

Dates to remember: International Day of The World’s Indigenous Peoples (9 Aug), Prisoner’s Justice Day (10 Aug), International Youth Day, Saint Jane Frances de Chantal (12 Aug), Solemnity of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (15 Aug).
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: Faith
For AC+ subscribers: God’s love


Thursday, 15 August
This week we explore the harmonious integration of faith and scientific inquiry in fostering a deeper understanding and care for the natural world. In ‘Two teaching disciplines, one love for Creation’, a science and religion teacher tells Australian Catholics how we can discover the wonder of God’s creation through science.
While in ‘Science matters’, Michele Gierck reveals how The Science Show host Robyn Williams aims to inspire younger generations to dive into science.
Dates to remember: World Humanitarian Day (19 Aug), Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief (22 Aug), International Day in Remembrance of Slavery and its Abolition (23 Aug).
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: Genesis
For AC+ subscribers: Finding God in nature


Thursday, 22 August 
What can faith teach you about science? Saint Albert the Great felt commissioned by the Holy Spirit to pass on all that philosophy and science could impart in his time. Read more in ‘Reason and revelation’. Similarly, Jesuit priest in formation Matthew Pinson SJ sees only benefits in using scientific talents and training in response to God’s calling.
Nevertheless, hot button topics might arise in the science classroom, but Catholic school teachers can navigate them with sensitivity and respect for both faith and science. Read more in ‘Nurturing faith and inquiry’.
Dates to remember: Social Justice Sunday (25 Aug), World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, Father’s Day (1 Sept). 
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: Revelation
For AC+ subscribers: World Day of Prayer for Creation


Thursday, 29 August 2024 
Faith and science can co-exist peacefully. This week we look at ‘five scientists who believed in God’ with Michael McGirr and discover that many scientists believe in God and see their work as in some way exploring the mysteries of the sacred. Then, we put the Bible under the microscope with young writer Luciana Romanski and see how the ancient Hebrews hint at scientific knowledge since credited to renowned scientists.

National Child Protection Week 2024 emphasises the theme ‘Every conversation matters’ alongside its core message, ‘Every child in every community needs a fair go.’
Conversations are crucial for understanding issues, crafting solutions, and building social connections and brains of children and young people. They matter between children and caregivers, peers, families and professionals, friends, neighbours, and decision-makers with communities.
This National Child Protection Week, we invite you to engage in meaningful dialogues that can drive change and ensure every child is safe and supported. Let’s use this theme to highlight the importance of conversations in safeguarding children and supporting families.
Discover how you and your family or organisation can get involved.

Dates to remember: World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, Father’s Day (1 Sept), International Day of Charity (5 Sept), International Literacy Day, Safeguarding Sunday (8 Sept).
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: Mercy
For AC+ subscribers: Compassion


Thursday, 5 September 
Religion plays an important role in helping us to discern what is right in scientific endeavour. This week, we put the ethics of technology under the microscope with articles contributed by our young writer’s community. Alex Woolnough writes if how for better or worse, sports analytics and technologies are here to stay. See, ‘There’s a stat for that’.  In ‘The modern Frankenstein’ Amari Leiva-Urzua writes that the ability to clone raises numerous ethical questions, especially for religious believers.
Dates to remember: International Literacy Day, Safeguarding Sunday (8 Sept), Fairtrade Fortnight (9-22 Sept), World Suicide Prevention Day (10 Sept).
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: The book of Genesis
For AC+ subscribers: Child protection


Thursday, 12 September 2024 
The historical relationship between faith and science has been complex and multifaceted, encompassing periods of both conflict and collaboration. For example, the Church has historically been a significant patron of scientific research and education, establishing universities and supporting the work of many scientists who were also clergy. However, there have also been notable conflicts, such as the Galileo affair, where scientific findings were perceived to contradict religious doctrine. In his article, ‘In awesome wonder’, Richard Colledge writes that our vision of the cosmos is shaped by astronomical discoveries, faith and awe. In ‘Christian ideas that paved the way for science’, Jesuit communications director of publishing: Michael McVeigh write that some scholars argue that we wouldn’t have science at all if not for revolutionary ideas found in the Bible and early Christianity.
Dates to remember: Fairtrade Fortnight (9-22 Sept), International Day of Democracy (15 Sept), International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer (16 Sept), Australian Citizenship Day (17 Sept).
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: Awe
For AC+ subscribers: Understanding


Thursday, 19 September 2024 
It’s always a good idea to have a few engaging but light-hearted activities up your sleeve at the end of term to fill the space where students have completed their assessment but are not in the right frame of mind to move on to the next unit’s work. It’s a great time to reward them with some enjoyable learning experiences, so this week we off you two light-hearted articles and game that is a dynamic game designed for classrooms or church groups aimed at exploring the connections between science and faith. Gaming the Gospels – Harmony Quest requires a little preparation, but engages students with the best that discovery learning has to offer. 
In ‘Sneaky Jesus Songs: Searching for answers’ we use popular music viewed through a Catholic lens to consider how the search for answers, common to both science and religion, resonates throughout many popular songs. Ask your class to see what songs they would add to the list. Make sure they consolidate their literacy by writing a short justification of their choice. Alternatively, you can encourage them to reflect on the ideas raised in the article in their reflection journals. 
Finally, in ‘Neurospicy’ Kate Moriarty reminds us that  God forgives us all things, even the fact we can be easily distracted.
Dates to remember: Fairtrade Fortnight (9-22 Sept), International Day of Peace (21 Sept), World Maritime Day (Sept 23), Catherine McAuley (24 Sept), Feast of St Vincent de Paul (27 Sept), International Day for Universal Access to Information (28 Sept), Feast of Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels (29 Sept), Feast of St Therese of Lisieux, World Day of migrants and refugees (30 Sept), International Day of Older Persons, (1 Oct), International Day of Non-Violence (2 Oct), Feast of St Francis of Assisi (4 Oct), World Habitat Day (Oct 7), World Mental Health Day (10 Oct), International Day of the Girl Child (11 Oct).
Catholic vocabulary term of the week: Preferential option for the poor
For AC+ subscribers: St Vincent de Paul


Tuesday, 16 July 2024 
Updated AC+ resources on St Mary MacKillop
For our AC+ subscribers: Here are some resources that might be helpful in engaging students in reflection and conversation around St Mary MacKillop.
Saints in song
Celebrate the Feast of St Mary of the Cross and Feast of the Assumption with bespoke musical compositions.

Tuesday, 30 July 
Updated AC+ resources on human dignity
For our AC+ subscribers: Here are some resources that might be helpful in engaging students in reflection and conversation around human dignity. 

Tuesday, 13 August 2024 
NEW Laudato Si’ retreat guide
Updated AC+ Guide to caring for creation

Tuesday, 27 August 
New AC+ resources guide on Parables, metaphors and analogies in the Bible 

Tuesday, 10 September
New AC+ resources on science and religion


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